FOSSIL Case Study

FOSSIL Watch Flow


I utilized LoFi, MidFi, and HiFidelity wireframes, pictured above, to translate the users requests for feature of the FOSSIL wearables division. This iterative approach allows for rapid prototyping and feedback from the business as well as advocates of the products. As the evolution of higher fidelity transpires, everyone is informed from the end user all the way through to stakeholders.

Watchface Design

Seamless User experience
App & Watch

FOSSIL Watch Flow

Seamless User experience App & Watch

Seamless User experience App & Watch

Seamless User experience
App & Watch

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APP UX/UI - Wearbles, and Companion App

APP UX/UI - Wearbles and Companionn App

Wearables | Companion App


Extensive collaboration with the engineering team allowed me to optimize the workflow process while communicating featured design releases.


Extensive collaboration with the engineering team allowed me to optimize the workflow process while communicating featured design releases.


Extensive collaboration with the engineering team allowed me to optimize the workflow process while communicating featured design releases.


Interaction design was at the forefront of the micro interactions on each device. Animations and movements lead to elevated experiences. Extensive testing conducted to determine optimal feedback.


Interaction design was at the forefront of the micro interactions on each device. Animations and movements lead to elevated experiences. Extensive testing conducted to determine optimal feedback.


Interaction design was at the forefront of the micro interactions on each device. Animations and movements lead to elevated experiences. Extensive testing conducted to determine optimal feedback.


I used low fidelity wireframes to communicate ideas and work out the user flows and advanced the wireframes to high-fidelity designs that could be used in development.


I used low fidelity wireframes to communicate ideas and work out the user flows and advanced the wireframes to high-fidelity designs that could be used in development.


I used low fidelity wireframes to communicate ideas and work out the user flows and advanced the wireframes to high-fidelity designs that could be used in development.